Melting Writer’s Block:

A Free 2-Part Video Series to Set Your Creative Self Free

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Are you curious to see if writing is for you?


Does your creativity feel stuck behind something you can’t name, let alone fix?


Are you eager to see past survival mode to what’s next?


Uncover the true source of your creativity with the neuro-sensory method called Sense Writing.

Video 1 Reconnecting to Your Innate Creativity

In this FREE 2-part video series, you'll receive:
  • A 12-minute Body Mapping for Writing video
  • First-row access to ground-breaking methods from the Developer of Sense Writing
  • Insights into why you feel creatively stuck, no matter how strong your urge to create is
  • Answers about the root causes of writer’s block (Hint: it’s not in your mind)
  • The four essential steps to rewire your nervous system and become your own muse

Sense Writing has been called one of the “best creative writing workshops in New York City,” as ranked by Yelp — and you can peek inside the process for yourself right now.

“I was a Creative Writing major in a reputable program in undergrad, but I learned more in the two-day Sense Writing course I took.” Jenna Martin
"Sense Writing gave me a writing practice. And from the first class I took, the first moments of that first class was -- it sounds cliched-- but it was like magic." Emily Tobey, Writer and Editor
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